PittCon 2016, Atlanta GA, 6. - 10. 3. 2016
Conferee Networking, Facilitator: J.K. Schubert
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) may act as potential biomarkers for diseases or exposure. More than 800 VOCs are detectable in the breath. As unique VOC- biomarkers do not exist, concentration changes are most important. VOC Concentrations may easily be affected by physiological effects as well as through the applied analytical method. Therefore, control and standardization of sampling and analytical methods is an important prerequisite for non-invasive biomedical analysis.
Focusing on standardization, basic requirements for reliable non-invasive biomedical analysis in the context of cutting edge sampling & analytical techniques such CO2-controlled micro extraction techniques for point of care sampling, real time mass spec or bedside applicable (nano-)sensor systems will be discussed.
Oral Sessions
Author Name: | Pritam Sukul - University Medicine of Rostock |
Session Title: | Biomedical: New Technologies for Breath Analysis (Half Session) |
Event Type: | Oral Sessions |
Event Title: | Real-time PTR-TOF-MS measurements reveal effects of lung-function onto exhaled breath biomarker profiles |
Presider Name: | Pete Broske | Co-Author: | Peter Oertel, Phillip Trefz, Khushman Taunk, Jochen K Schubert, Wolfram Miekisch and Svend Kamysek |
Affiliation: | Agilent | Affiliation: | University Medicine of Rostock |
Date: | Wednesday, March 9, 2016 |
Start Time: | 14:30 |
Location: | B409 |
Abstract Content
Analysis of breath VOC biomarkers (VOCs) is promising in the field of noninvasive diagnosis. Hemodynamic changes due to different breathing patterns or postures cause immediate substance specific effects. In our study we investigated the effect of forced expiratory maneuvers onto exhaled VOC profiles. A PTR-ToF-MS-8000 (PDrift=2.3mbar, TDrift=75°C, VDrift=610Volt, E/N=139Td, Time-resolution=200ms) was used in continuous side stream mode (Sampling flow=20ml/min) for breath resolved measurements of VOC profiles in 15 healthy volunteers with parallel monitoring of lung-function and hemodynamics. After the first minute of paced breathing (12/min) a maneuver for spirometric determination of FEV1 (forced expiratory volume/1s) was performed. 30 selected VOCs were quantified in alveolar and inspiratory air by using a custom made data processing algorithm. Profound changes of hemodynamic and respiratory parameters and, consecutively, of exhaled VOC concentrations happened within seconds. Normalized mean isoprene concentration increased by 13% (from 114ppb to 129ppb) during full exhalation (before the forced expiration) and decreased by 46% (to 62ppb) after forced exhalation. Exhaled isoprene concentrations then increased again (by 18% up to 135ppb) and even exceeded baseline levels, mirroring time profiles of cardiac output and pET-CO2. Normalised mean tidal-volume and minute-ventilation were increased to 257% and 143% respectively during forced exhalation. Acetone, H2S (from oral bacteria) and benzene (exogenous) concentrations remained almost constant. Blood borne exhaled VOC concentrations changed during forced expiration. Changes depended on both respiratory and hemodynamic parameters, on origin and physico-chemical properties of the substances. In a perspective breath VOCs may be used to gain additional information on lung function. |